“Colby Jubenville is a truly talented speaker. His ability to connect with his audience in a lively and engaging way, even when virtual, was incredible to watch. During his presentation, he helped our company leaders dive deeper into their emotional intelligence. He left his audience feeling inspired, motivated, and more knowledgeable about their emotional leadership. It was a sincere pleasure to have Colby speak.”
Quint Studer, Founder – Studer Family of Companies
Speaker | Author | Trusted Advisor
Colby B. Jubenville, PhD
At his core, Colby B. Jubenville, PhD is a coach who uses the obstacles and challenges people face in search of achievement as “teachable moments” that help make sense of their life, work and relationships. Dr. Jubenville holds an academic appointment as a Professor at Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) and is the Director of the Center for Student Coaching and Success.
He is the author of two books including Zebras and Cheetahs: How to Look Different and Stay Agile to Survive the Business Jungle (Wiley) and Me: How To Sell Who You Are, What You Do & Why You Matter to the World. During his tenure, Jubenville has published over 50 peer reviewed, professional and trade articles. His work on campus is funded through a generous seven figure gift that he secured through the John D. Floyd Foundation. The Center focuses on 1 on 1 and group coaching helping students become gainfully employed in their chosen career path prior to walking across the stage at graduation.
At the Center, he connects Narrative Based Coaching and Harrison Assessments to help students develop their unique perspective, education and experience grounded in the belief that if you want “more,” the first thing you must have “more” of is yourself. Jubenville completed training for The Shift Profile and is certified in Decisionwise 360, Harrison Assessments, EQ-i 2.0 (MHS) and Cylient’s Coaching In the Moment program.
A Community Leader and In-Demand Speaker
Jubenville works in the business community in human capital and believes at the intersection of personal brands and personal relationships is Emotional Intelligence (EI). He was selected by The Nashville Business Journal as a member of its 40 Under 40 class and selected by YP Nashville as its Impact Award Winner, which recognizes top leaders who have made a significant impact on the city’s YP demographic. He is the recipient of the St. Paul’s Episcopal School (Mobile, AL), Distinguished Alumni award. Jubenville is a member of the Forbes Councils and publishes content on Forbes.com; and is the host of The Goat Consulting Podcast, which drops weekly on Apple Podcast and YouTube.
In addition to speaking for businesses and trade associations, he has been an invited lecturer at California Polytechnic University, The University of Florida, Elon University, Florida State University, The University of Alabama, and Vanderbilt University. His insights have been published in The Washington Times, The Nashville Business Journal, The Tennessean, The Nashville Post, Canvas Magazine, and AthleticBusiness.com. He serves as a mentor for the Williamson County (TN) Entrepreneur and Innovation Center.
In 2022, Colby signed with Nashville based JRA Speakers, an agency specializing in speakers who bring authentic messages for organization change, learning and personal growth. He completed his doctoral studies at the University of Southern Mississippi in Human Performance and competed as a NCAA D-III student-athlete at Millsaps College. He calls Mobile, Alabama home and resides in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
By Donald P. Roy, PhD and Colby B. Jubenville, PhD
Congratulations! You have been appointed manager of the world’s most important brand. And you need not go far to find this brand – you can find it in the mirror! Yes, you are a brand, and no one else has more at stake for your brand’s success than you. Personal branding is an ongoing process that requires a continuous improvement mindset, and you have great incentive to embrace it. Intense competition and the ease with which we can connect with others provides both urgency and opportunity for proactively managing your brand.
So consider this book a personal branding instruction manual. We break down the personal branding process to managing the 3Ms of personal branding: Meaning, Makeup, and Message.
By Donald P. Roy, PhD and Colby B. Jubenville, PhD
Congratulations! You have been appointed manager of the world’s most important brand. And you need not go far to find this brand – you can find it in the mirror! Yes, you are a brand, and no one else has more at stake for your brand’s success than you. Personal branding is an ongoing process that requires a continuous improvement mindset, and you have great incentive to embrace it. Intense competition and the ease with which we can connect with others provides both urgency and opportunity for proactively managing your brand.
So consider this book a personal branding instruction manual. We break down the personal branding process to managing the 3Ms of personal branding: Meaning, Makeup, and Message.
By Michael J. Burt & Colby B. Jubenville, PhD
Leaders, business owners, entrepreneurs, managers, and CEOs are all obsessed with one thing: growth. But growth can be incredibly complicated, disconnected, and confusing for everyone involved. Zebras and Cheetahs is a philosophy that redefines leadership and results in a new perspective and mind-set. It is also a model that takes the complicated growth of organizations and makes it simple, engaging, and fun. When implemented, it allows leadership to: define roles so that everyone understands where they fit; offer the highest value of everyone’s time toward a dominant aspiration and focus; increase accountability to track and measure success; and drastically enhance the energy of your tribe in exciting ways.
A competitive marketplace demands that you distinguish yourself from your competitors, be quicker to market, and change course whenever you find your organization on the wrong side of the profit-and-loss sheet. This book teaches you how to survive the business jungle.
“Colby Jubenville is a truly talented speaker. His ability to connect with his audience in a lively and engaging way, even when virtual, was incredible to watch. During his presentation, he helped our company leaders dive deeper into their emotional intelligence. He left his audience feeling inspired, motivated, and more knowledgeable about their emotional leadership. It was a sincere pleasure to have Colby speak.”
“Colby takes a personalized approach to his presentations, customizing them to each audience. He provided up-to-date, pertinent content that shed light on important aspects of what we do and how we can do it better. He provided valuable insight and a fresh perspective that each team member found valuable. This was not a canned presentation. It was clear that Colby planned and prepared relevant information to maximize our time together.”
“Having heard Colby speak at a small group session on emotional intelligence, I knew I needed to get him back for a much bigger audience at a SCI Leader Symposium. He was a huge hit. Colby was interesting, engaging and funny and attendees increased their skills in EI over 55%. 97% of people would recommend Colby and rated his session 9.5/10. Wow!”
“For those looking for a warm and fuzzy rehash of the same old keys to business success, Colby’s not your guy. But if you’re prepared to engage, listen intently, and connect with this frenetic academic turned evangelist, then buckle up and get ready to be impressed. Colby’s keynote at the recent PIA President’s Conference was world-class – great content presented by a great presenter and business speaker.”
“Dr. Jubenville’s subject matter is universal – social and emotional intelligence that is an absolute must in any type of business today. He is charismatic, very interesting, and engaging! He has helped many businesses, including Ole South Properties (one of our top builders), realize what it takes to do business well, in today’s world.”