Me: How to Sell Who You Are, What You Do & Why You Matter to the World
Donald P. Roy, PhD and Colby B. Jubenville, PhD
Congratulations! You have been appointed manager of the world’s most important brand. And you need not go far to find this brand – you can find it in the mirror! Yes, you are a brand, and no one else has more at stake for your brand’s success than you. Personal branding is an ongoing process that requires a continuous improvement mindset, and you have great incentive to embrace it. Intense competition and the ease with which we can connect with others provides both urgency and opportunity for proactively managing your brand.
So consider this book a personal branding instruction manual. We break down the personal branding process to managing the 3Ms of personal branding: Meaning, Makeup, and Message.

Zebras & Cheetahs: Look Different and Stay Agile to Survive the Business Jungle
Michael J. Burt & Colby B. Jubenville, PhD
Leaders, business owners, entrepreneurs, managers, and CEOs are all obsessed with one thing: growth. But growth can be incredibly complicated, disconnected, and confusing for everyone involved. Zebras and Cheetahs is a philosophy that redefines leadership and results in a new perspective and mind-set. It is also a model that takes the complicated growth of organizations and makes it simple, engaging, and fun. When implemented, it allows leadership to: define roles so that everyone understands where they fit; offer the highest value of everyone’s time toward a dominant aspiration and focus; increase accountability to track and measure success; and drastically enhance the energy of your tribe in exciting ways.
A competitive marketplace demands that you distinguish yourself from your competitors, be quicker to market, and change course whenever you find your organization on the wrong side of the profit-and-loss sheet. This book teaches you how to survive the business jungle.

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