Gaining Valuable Talent
Development Insights.

Colby B. Jubenville, PhD
Assess | Coach | Change

Gaining Valuable Talent Development Insights.

Colby B. Jubenville, PhD
Assess | Coach | Change

“Colby Jubenville has hacked into our lives and cracked the code for talent development at any stage of life.”

Keith Grabowski, Founder – Coach and Coordinator Podcast

Harrison Assessments is about getting people in the right place to do their best work. It measures 175 traits, giving you a real sense of who someone is and what makes them tick. You’re not just checking a box with hiring or team-building—you’re making sure people are in roles where they can thrive and contribute at their highest level. It’s simple: when you align people with what they’re good at, everyone wins. Harrison helps you do exactly that, building teams that work better and perform stronger, without overcomplicating it.

The Big 5 OCEAN Assessment helps people understand who they are and how they are displayed to the world. Based on what are known as the the Big 5 personality traits – Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism – this tool offers you a roadmap to securing better relationships, stronger teams, and smarter leadership. It’s about using self-awareness to drive success, both individually and as an organization. Self-awareness is the gateway to Emotional Intelligence.

Emotional Intelligence is the secret sauce of leadership, and the EQ-i 2.0 Assessment measures exactly that. It evaluates your ability to manage yourself and your relationships, focusing on areas like self-awareness, empathy, and decision-making. This invaluable tool gives leaders the edge they need to connect with their teams, inspire performance, and lead with purpose.

Whether you’re a Charmer, Challenger, Examiner, or Harmonizer, Interviewology helps you discover your unique interview style. The assessment  offers personalized insights into what you’re doing right and where you can improve, so you can approach interviews with confidence. This tool gives you the power to highlight your strengths and overcome challenges, ensuring that you’re fully prepared for your next opportunity.

The DecisionWise 360 Assessment provides leaders with comprehensive feedback by gathering insights from peers, supervisors, and direct reports. It highlights personal and organizational strengths and identifies areas for improvement, offering a clear path for personal and professional growth. This tool is uniquely suited for individuals interested in enhancing their leadership capabilities and overall effectiveness by looking through the lens of those with whom they work. Feedback is where you learn the most. If you are not getting feedback, you are not getting better.

The Cylient Coaching in the Moment® program is about making every conversation count and creating pivotal moments where real change happens – on the spot, in the flow of work, right when it matters most. This isn’t just about learning to coach; it’s about embedding coaching into your daily life, so every interaction becomes an opportunity to lead, guide, and inspire. When leaders embrace this mindset, they step up to the challenge of having the hard conversations, delivering feedback that sparks growth, and guiding their people to see what they’re truly capable of.

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