Talent Development is Our
First Responsibility.

Colby B. Jubenville, PhD
Discover | Realize | Achieve

Talent Development is Our First Responsibility.

Colby B. Jubenville, PhD
Discover | Realize | Achieve

What is the Talent Development Framework?

Colby B. Jubenville, PhD is a trusted advisor and expert in talent development, known for his framework designed to help individuals from all walks of life uncover, harness, and develop their talent. Born from his work with students transitioning from college to the next phase of their life, businesses and relationships, this framework has grown to serve people at all stages of their personal and professional journey.

At the heart of Dr. Jubenville’s philosophy is the belief that our 20s represent a “developmental sweet spot” – a critical period for both personal and professional growth. The framework allows for self-discovery, where individuals can identify their strengths, uncover unique abilities, and fully develop their talent. The result? An understanding of how to get paid for the value they create (lifestyle) while seeking gainful employment (meaning, purpose, and contribution in their work) and working with those they choose (freedom).

Dr. Jubenville’s Talent Development Framework is built around seven interconnected elements, forming a holistic approach that serves individuals, business leaders, and organizations committed to making talent development their first responsibility.

Narrative-Based Coaching

In order to change, you must first know your story.

We all have a story  that is written either for us or by us. If you don’t understand your story, you can’t change. If others don’t understand your story, they can’t help you change.

Emotional Intelligence

Self-awareness is the gateway to emotional intelligence.

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the #1 predictor of performance in the workplace. It can be taught and learned. Those that have it perform at a higher level than those who don’t.

Growth Mindset

Learn how to do the hard things.

Growth Mindset is a belief system about how we make sense of the world. It orients the way we solve problems and/or make decisions. It’s the way we sort out what is going on around us and what we should do. People with a growth mindset embrace continuous learning and see setbacks as key learning experiences.

Pattern Matching & Stacking

Identify and build on patterns to solve problems, make decisions & create value.

All human beings are born with the ability to identify and match patterns. This natural gift helps us anticipate what will happen next. Pattern Matching & Stacking is the ability to recognize similarities in different environments and use this information to guide problem solving, decision making, creativity, and innovation.

Market-Specific Knowledge

Speed up the adoption and retention of market-specific knowledge.

Innovation means you go first to what you want to become. Concepts and theories make frameworks. Frameworks provide structure, predictability and efficiency. The goal is to speed up the adoption and retention of market specific knowledge that is related to who and what YOU want to become.

Personal Branding

Develop your brand image and identity.

A brand is a promise delivered in an experience. A personal brand consists of the meaning, makeup and message of that promise and its delivery by way of brand image and brand identity. Brand image is the feeling that other people have when they spend time with you. Brand identity is made up of your unique perspective, unique education, and unique experience – how you see it, know it and do it.

Personal Relationships

Build meaningful relationships that create greater impact.

A relationship becomes personal (or meaningful) when two (or more) people are working together though interdependence towards a common goal.

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